
Rare and Captivating: Shelf/Arcus Clouds Amaze onlookers in Haridwar and Roorkee


The northern region of India has been experiencing heavy rainfall recently, leading to an awe-inspiring sighting of a rare atmospheric phenomenon - shelf/arcus clouds. These mesmerizing cloud formations have left spectators in Haridwar and Roorkee, Uttarakhand, amazed by their stunning visuals and otherworldly beauty.

Witnesses describe these clouds as massive, low-hanging structures that seem to stretch across the horizon. Resembling a shelf or an arc, they create a dramatic and imposing presence in the sky. The clouds appear dark and ominous, often obscuring the sunlight and casting an eerie shadow over the landscape.

One resident, Anindya Singh, managed to capture a breathtaking video of the shelf/arcus clouds looming above Haridwar. The footage quickly spread on social media, garnering thousands of views and shares. People from all over the country were captivated by this rare phenomenon.

Social media users expressed their astonishment and wonder at the sight, with comments ranging from "This looks like something out of a fantasy film!" to "Nature never ceases to amaze us with its beauty." The sheer size and unique shape of these clouds proved to be a visual treat for everyone who witnessed them.

So, how do these awe-inspiring shelf/arcus clouds form? Scientifically known as arcus clouds, they typically develop ahead of a weather front, such as a thunderstorm or cold front. As warm, moist air rises and encounters cooler air, it begins to condense and form cloud structures. The specific formation of shelf/arcus clouds occurs due to strong gusty winds that push the leading edge of the cloud mass forward, resulting in the distinct shelf-like appearance.

What makes shelf/arcus clouds so rare and captivating is their relatively infrequent occurrence. They require a specific combination of atmospheric conditions and are more commonly observed in certain regions, such as the interior plains of North America. Witnessing them in Haridwar and Roorkee is truly a unique spectacle.

While shelf/arcus clouds themselves do not pose any direct risks, they often indicate the presence of severe weather phenomena like thunderstorms or strong winds. Observers are advised to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions when such clouds are sighted.

In conclusion, the recent sighting of shelf/arcus clouds in Haridwar and Roorkee, Uttarakhand, has left onlookers in awe of the sheer beauty and rareness of this atmospheric phenomenon. The mesmerizing visuals and social media buzz surrounding these clouds have brought attention to the marvels of nature and remind us of the incredible wonders that surround us each day.

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