
Neom Project Controversy: Alleged Use of Lethal Force, Forced Eviction of Villagers and Displacement of Indigenous Populations


Saudi Arabia's ambitious Neom project, hailed as a futuristic city built from scratch in the country's northwest corner, has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. The project has been facing a barrage of criticism, with many alleging that it involves the use of lethal force, the forced eviction of villagers, the displacement of indigenous populations, and the construction of lavish palaces. The international concern surrounding these issues has prompted a global outcry, but the Saudi government and Neom management have yet to respond adequately.

The Neom project, which aims to build a $500 billion futuristic city spanning over 10,000 square miles, is considered a flagship initiative of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030. The project is expected to feature cutting-edge technologies, like AI and robotics, that would make the city independent of oil-based revenues.

However, the construction of the city has been marred with controversy. Reports suggest that the government has used lethal force to displace the indigenous Huwaitat tribe living in the area where the city is being constructed. The tribe has been protesting against their forced eviction for over a decade, but their protests have been met with violence by the government. In 2017, the Saudi government reportedly used sniffer dogs, teargas, and bulldozers to clear the site.

According to Amnesty International, the Saudi government has forcibly displaced at least 20,000 people from their homes in the vicinity of the city's planned location. The government has also detained and imprisoned indigenous activists, journalists, and human rights defenders who have raised concerns about the forced evictions, the lack of consultation, and the impact of the project on their community's livelihoods.

Besides the controversy surrounding the displacement of indigenous populations, there have also been significant concerns raised about the lavish palaces, yachts, and private beaches that are being constructed as part of the project. According to sources, the Crown Prince has already constructed a lavish palace with a helicopter landing pad on a nearby island.

The Neom project has sparked global concern, with rights groups and activists calling on international corporations like SoftBank and Boston Dynamics to distance themselves from this initiative. The United Nations has also expressed concern, with rapporteurs calling for an immediate halt to all forcible evictions, a restoration of property rights for those displaced, and reparations.

Despite the growing international concern, the Saudi government and Neom management have remained tight-lipped on the issue. The Crown Prince has been vocal about his plans to develop Neom, stating that "We will not spend the next 30 years of our lives dealing with destructive ideas. We will destroy them today," but has yet to address the concerns raised by activists and indigenous populations.

In conclusion, the Neom project, touted as a futuristic city, has been shrouded in controversy due to the alleged forced eviction of villagers, displacement of indigenous populations, and the construction of lavish palaces. The use of lethal force by the Saudi government to displace the Huwaitat tribe, along with the forced eviction of 20,000 people, has led to global condemnation. Despite the growing international criticism, the Saudi government and Neom management have yet to address these concerns, leading to calls for global corporations and the international community to withdraw their support.

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