
White House Report Explores Solar Radiation Modification for Climate Change Mitigation



The White House report explores solar radiation modification to combat climate change, an approach that has gained mainstream consideration. The report is important as it highlights the potential benefits and risks associated with this approach.


Although the Biden administration has no current comprehensive research program on solar radiation modification, there is a logical reason to conduct research to better understand its potential benefits and risks.

Legislative Mandate

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 requires the White House to develop a research governance framework for solar geoengineering research. The purpose of the framework is to provide guidance on transparency, engagement, and risk management for publicly funded research in this field.

Atmospheric Approaches

The report discusses several methods, including stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), marine cloud brightening, and cirrus cloud thinning. The focus on atmospheric approaches is due to their near-term feasibility compared to space-based approaches.

Implications and Future Direction

The report does not include government policy, but it serves as a research document that expands the understanding of solar radiation modification and its potential role in addressing climate change.


The report emphasizes the need for further research to explore the benefits and risks associated with solar radiation modification and contributes to the ongoing debate and consideration of innovative approaches to combat climate change.

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